1. Release Information
Release Date: 02/28/2019
Version: 3.2.1
2. New Features
2-1.Addition of function to obtain directory path of external memory (Android)
Android 7.0On a terminal with more thanFile/Special Directory Acquisition]The directory path of memory external to the device, such as an SD card, can now be retrieved from logic.
For devices under Android 7.0, Windows devices, and iOS devices, the function for acquiring directory paths in external memory is not supported.
2-2.Supports file access to external memory (Android)
Reading and writing files from some logics to memory external to the device, such as SD card, on devices with Android 7.0 or higher.I am now able to do it.
Android 7.0Terminals with less thanWindows TerminalandiOSThe terminals in the "1." section do not support reading/writing files to/from external memory.
The following logic is supported for reading and writing files to and from external memory.
2-3. 【UniBaaS/File Download] New in LogicUniBaaSsupport
UniBaaS/File DownloadLogic.Files can now be downloaded from the new UniBaaS.
2-4.FCMFrom.PushNotification support (Android)
Android devices can now receive FCM push notifications from UniBaaS.
3. Improvement of defects
3-1.Change of recording format for video recording logic
3-3.Fixed behavior when video recording logic parameters are invalid
3-3.formerUniBaaSFixed a bug that allowed password reset to be performed when logging in.
3-4.Fixed a bug that prevented password reset from being executed.
3-5.Correction of license document display (iOS)