1. Release Information
Release Date: 09/24/2019
Version: 3.4.0
2. New Features
2-1. Adding HTTP Request Logic
HTTP request support for GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods and multipart/form-data file upload Network/HTTP request Logic added.
2-2. 64-bit support for Android applications (Android)
Unifinity Application Player for Android is now 64-bit compatible.
3. Improvement of defects
3-1.Improved translation when the language setting of Unifinity Studio is English
Reviewed the contents of the overall description of Unifinity Studio with the language setting set to "English (U.S.)" and corrected the wording to be correct.
In addition, a bug in which some logic was displayed in Japanese in the logic component has been corrected.
3-2. Fixed a bug that the calendar drawing was shifted when repeatedly pressing the previous/next switch button of the calendar (week).
Fixed a bug that caused the calendar drawing to shift during the animation when repeatedly hitting the calendar (week) previous/next switch button.
3-3. Fixed a bug that news was not displayed in the template application.
Fixed a bug in the template application "News Reader" where the latest news was not displayed after clicking a button.
3-4. Fixed force close bug (Android) when getting local device ID with app ID that exists only in new UniBaaS.
Unifinity Application Player for Android, when authenticating a user with an app ID that exists only in the new UniBaaS. Push Notification/Local Device ID Acquisition Fixed a bug that caused the application to force close when executing
3-5. Fixed a force close bug when loading an application with a file size exceeding 2GB (Windows)
Fixed a problem in which the Unifinity Application Player for Windows would force the application to close if a UAP file with a file size larger than 2 GB was loaded.
3-6. Fixed a bug that may cause force termination when executing an application with a large number of screens and logic.
Improved instability of Player and Studio operation during mass placement of screens and logic.
4. Other
4-1. Discontinue Chinese in Unifinity Studio language settings
The "Chinese (Simplified)" language setting in Unifinity Studio has been eliminated from this version.
4-2. Delivery of push notifications from the old UniBaaS to iOS devices
Starting October 1, 2019, Unifinity Application Player for iOS prior to this version will no longer receive push notifications delivered by the old UniBaaS.
5. Known defects
On iPhoneX and later iOS devices, running an app with the screen orientation set to "Fixed Upside Down" will cause the app to force close, which will be discontinued in a future version.
Update 1/31/2020 The "Fixed Vertical Upside Down" application screen orientation was discontinued in version 3.6.1.