1. Release Information
Release Date: 2020/09/01
Version: 3.8.0
2. New Features
2-1. Modified to utilize push notification metadata
By embedding metadata when sending push notifications, you can specify which app to launch when you tap a notification received on the device, or use the contents of the metadata in your app. For more information.8. management of push notificationsfor more information.
2-2. Add logic to obtain authentication information for Unifinity Application Player
Obtain credentials for Unifinity Application Player【【2402_UniBaaS/User Information AcquisitionLogic added.
2-3. Addition of automatic deletion of undistributed applications
Added an option to automatically delete apps that are no longer delivered from UniBaaS when they are left in the Unifinity Application Player, when the Unifinity Application Player is launched. Please contact our sales department for details on how to use this service.
2-4. Improvement of multipart communication
Network/HTTP requestLogic has been modified to allow multiple parameters to be sent in addition to the file.
*When using the "multipart parameter" newly added to the relevant logic, it is not compatible with Ver. 3.8.0 or earlier. For this reason, applications that use this function will not work properly with Unifinity Application Player version 3.8.0 or earlier. For proper operation, please update the Unifinity Application Player to Ver. 3.8.0 or later.
3. Improvement of defects
3-1. Extension of timeout period when acquiring a list of files being delivered
When downloading files from UniBaaS on the Unifinity Application Player for iOS, if the number of files is large and communication takes time, a timeout may occur and the message "An unexpected error has occurred. Therefore, the timeout period has been extended from 10 to 30 seconds.
3-2. Fixed a problem that Japanese cannot be used for logic search in Unifinity Studio.
Fixed a problem in which Japanese input was not accepted in the Logic Search field of Unifinity Studio after applying the latest Windows 10 update (version 2004).