functional overview
The process is repeated until the condition is no longer satisfied.
Details of Functions
Subject 1andSubject 2andtermsis satisfied, the following process is performed
Control statement/repeat end is executed, it returns to this process.
termsis not satisfied, Control statement/repeat end Proceed to the next process in the
- attention (heed)
- Forever.termsis satisfied, the process becomes an infinite loop and the application process is not terminable.
termsis no longer satisfied, or the logic can be constructed so that the middle of the Control statement/process interruption and so on, so that you can get out of the process.
- note
- If the process is built in the following steps, repeat steps 1-3 until a value is entered in the input dialog.
procedure Comment logic name (programming language) Details of processing, etc. 1 Repeat start Control statement/While
(Repeat start)Result of Target 1 "Input Dialog".
Condition "=". Subject "2".2 input dialog Dialog/Input 3 End of repeat Control statement/repeat end 4 end of process
- argument (e.g. function, program, programme)
Subject 1 numeric data character string data Date & Time Data
Specifies the target of repeated comparisons.terms Subject 1andSubject 2Specify the condition under which the relationship between the two is true.
- = (after a noun, adjective stem, onomatopoeic-mimetic word, etc.)
- >=
- ≦
- >
- <
- ≠
Subject 2 numeric data character string data Date & Time Data
Specifies the target of repeated comparisons.
- return value
numeric data
Returns 1 if the comparison result is true, 0 if false.