functional overview
Starts a conditional branch.
Details of Functions
Subject 1andSubject 2andtermsDetermine whether or not the
termsis true, proceed to the next logic.
termsis false, Control Statements/ElseIf or Control statement/Else If there is one, go there; if not, go there. Control statement/If(end) Proceed to
- note
- If the process is constructed in the following steps, the result of If is false and process A is not executed because the "result of the addition process" is 3.
procedure Comment logic name (programming language) Details of processing, etc. 1 addition process Calculation/Addition n + 1 2 if Control statement/If(start) Additive process result = 10 3 Process A 4 EndIf Control statement/If(end)
- argument (e.g. function, program, programme)
Subject 1 numeric data character string data Date & Time Data
Specify the comparison target.terms Subject 1andSubject 2Specify the condition under which the relationship between the two is true.
- = (after a noun, adjective stem, onomatopoeic-mimetic word, etc.)
- >=
- ≦
- >
- <
- ≠
Subject 2 numeric data character string data Date & Time Data
Specify the comparison target.
- return value
numeric data
Returns 1 if the comparison result is true, 0 if false.