1. release information
Release date: 2021/04/23
Version: 1.7.0
2. new features
2-1. add "Group Permissions" to the group
Added permission attributes for groups managed by the corporate administrator. As of Ver. 1.7.0, the permissions that can be granted are "Administrator" and "User".
Users who belong to a group with administrative privileges can use the UniBaaS contract management functions in addition to using the Unifinity Application Player.
3. specification changes
3-1. integration of authenticated users
The corporate administrator account issued for UniBaaS administration has been eliminated, and users belonging to groups with the administrator role can now use the UniBaaS contract corporate administration functions.
In addition, the password change button when logging in as a contracting company administrator has been eliminated due to user integration. Please reset your password using the same function as corporate users.
4. correction
4-1. modification of management screen and file distribution UI
- Fixed a problem in which error messages were not properly displayed when errors occurred, such as re-registering a file with the same name during file distribution.
- Fixed a problem in which the time of reserved delivery could be set in the past when making a reservation for delivery.
Currently, you must specify a time at least 10 minutes in the future. - The UI has been improved for specifying an update date and time for a file that is currently scheduled for delivery.