About delivery files
Unifinity Wizard is delivered as "アプリを作成する.uap" in UniBaaS's "Delivery File Management," and the latest version of "アプリを作成する.uap" at the time of free account creation is automatically stored.
If you accidentally delete "アプリを作成する.uap" from UniBaaS, you can restore it to its original state by downloading the latest "アプリを作成する.uap" from the "Unifinity Wizard Download" page, registering the file in "Delivery File Management," and setting its "Delivery Group" to "admin-group."
For more details about "Delivery File Management," please see "Management of Delivery Files."
If you have any questions about the operation, please contact our support team.
This is an app for updating the Wizard to the latest version. If you accidentally delete ".WizardUpdater.uap" from UniBaaS, first run "アプリを作成する" in Unifinity Application Player, then click the "お知らせ" section at the bottom of the screen and click "アップデートファイルの修復" in the "お知らせ" menu that appears.
".WizardUpdater.uap" will not appear in the app list of Unifinity Application Player, but if the "完了" message is displayed after the above operation, ".WizardUpdater.uap" has been successfully repaired.