This section describes the initial data setup.
Initial data is the data that is set in the table when the Unifinity application is started when the [Object] pane => [Basic Information] tab => [Initialize on Startup] is checked.
Initial Data Entry
Initial data can be set for each column on the "Initial Data" tab in the work area. Enter information in the cells of the column to be initialized.
Row Operations
[On the Initial Data tab, as on the Design tab, the following operations are available For more information, see the "5. table design operationsSee "The following is a brief description of the newest version of the product.
- Delete Row
- Edit Row
content indication
To enter binary data such as images as initial data, right-click on the appropriate cell and select "Show Contents" from the menu.
When the "Contents Display" screen appears, click "Select File" and specify the image file.
To delete the entered information, click "Clear Contents" on the "Contents Display" screen.