This section describes the settings for using Unifinity with Auth0 as the IdP (Identity Provider).
1. adding an Application
Click "+Create Application" in the "Applications"->"Applications" screen of the Auth0 administration page.
Specify "Unifinity" for Name, "Single Page Web Applications" for application type, and click "Create".
The screen for the application you created will appear, click on the Settings tab.
Specify the ACS URL for the UniBaaS single sign-on configuration screen in the Application Login URI and Allowed Callback URLs in the Application URIs.
Scroll down the screen and click Save Changes.
Click on the Addons tab and click on "SAML2 WEB APP".
When the Addon SAML2 Web App screen appears, specify the ACS URL for the UniBaaS single sign-on configuration screen in the Application Callback URL.
Specify the following in the Settings text box
"recipient": "",
"mappings": {
"email": "",
"groups": ""
}, }
"binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"
The xxxxxx part of partner_code=xxxxxxx is the string of the company ID.
Scroll down the screen and click the Enable button.
Display the Usage pane and specify the Identity Provider Login URL as the IdP Login URL on the UniBaaS single sign-on configuration screen.
Download the Identity Provider Metadata, open it in Notepad, select all of it, copy it to the clipboard, and paste it into the MetaData on the UniBaaS single sign-on configuration screen.